Lake Colors Manufacturers in Australia

Sun Food Tech provides an exceptionally high color-value by guaranteeing minimum particle size with minimum degree of variance. This allows use of fewer colours quantity to be employed in an end product, thus resulting in significant savings in cost. Lake colors Manufacturers in Australia , are more stable than the corresponding water-soluble colours, generating brighter and vivacious colours and are most suitable for products containing oils and fats, or products lacking sufficient moisture to dissolve colours. Being pigments, their coloring is attained through dispersion of tiny color particles. The effectiveness of a color is directly pro-proportional to the fine nature of color particles. Advantages:- Stability to light Stability to Acids and Alkalis – satisfactory between PH 4 – 7 Virtually insoluble in solvents and have "minimum bleed" in water Give bright colours Suitable for products containing oils and fats.